Lot of 6, vintage 35mm Rangefinder cameras, (except Koroll 24 which is not a Rangefinder camera). 

This lot is an accumulation of cameras from various and sundry auctions. Most were found in box-lots of miscellaneous merchandise. This is not a culled lot.

I will describe physical / cosmetic conditions and any pertinent characteristics that I am able to identify. This will be done in good faith and to the best of my ability. Any omission or error in my descriptions is not intentional.

1) Minolta Hi-Magic 7s w/  45mm f1.8 Lens.

s/n 651468. Cosmetic condition is G+. Shutter does not cock and fire. Not sure if this model requires battery to do so. The film advance lever has stress marks, (not sure why or what caused them. They are inconsistent with condition of remainder of body-see pic). Very tiny dent to cover of camera back lock. Lens wiggles slightly when checked for fastness. This is not extreme and does not, prima facie, seem problematic-but I felt it should be disclosed.

2) Yashica GS Electro 35 with Auto Yashinon - DX 45mm, 1:1.7 lens. s/n 20661806

Shutter cocks and fires with solid resolve. Lens is smooth, soft and scratch and haze free. Aperture can be opened and stopped down manually, (works).

3) Argus C3 w/ Argus Coated Cintar 50mm f/3.5 lens. s/n 481807

Shutter clocks and fires nicely. Aperture opens and stops down as aperture adjustment is made accordingly. Very slight pull of leather laminate to one corner at back, (not extreme). Camera back opens freely and clasp locks securely.

4) PETRI Prest w/ Petri 45mm 2.8 color corrected lens. s/n 775345

Shutter cocks and fires. I am unable to ascertain if aperture adjustment and focus mechanism function. Else, lens is smooth and unscratched.

5) KOROLL 24

I am completely unfamiliar with this Italian-made camera. It is in good physical condition. That's pretty much all that I can ascertain. i. e. lens specs not indicated

6) Candid Camera Corporation perfex fifty-five w/ 50mm f3.5 wollensak perfex velostigmat lens. s/n A42569

Surprisingly, the shutter cocks and fires, (curtains wind into place, then retreat to uncocked position, opening and closing accordingly. Not sure if shutter speed is accurate. Lens unscrews and removes easily. Aperture can be opened and stopped down manually. Camera needs cleaning and there are spots of oxidation here and there. Back glass to focusing and viewing lenses are not extant. Light crazing to chromed surface of upper die cast portion of camera body. Lens elements show some hazing. Leather laminate adhesive shows residual spots where it has migrated slightly past the laminate edge, (not problematic)

All cameras show normal, not extreme or obtrusive, surface wear from age, use and storage. Moreover, they could all use a cleaning.