Sequential Circuits Prophet T8 & NED Synclavier Keyboard Action Foam Replacment Kit

White ARP Odyssey Model 2800 Recap & IC Kit with 3 Mods

 This kit includes all polarized capacitors needed to recap an ARP Odyssey Model 2800 (White Odyssey).  Capacitor types are exact replacements.  All caps are tantalum, with exception of the two large power supply axial electrolytics.  This kit includes replacements for all ICs in the Odyssey 2800, including 1 LM723 regulator IC and 2 metal can CA3080s.  These can be used in the 2800 for the S&H and VCA circuits, or can replace failed CA3080 cans in the 4023 VCF.  The kit includes a chart showing where each capacitor and IC goes in the Odyssey.  Also included with the kit are instructions as well as all parts kits for 3 useful, easy to install modifications.

Odyssey Modifications Included In Kit

LFO Free-run - This mod adds a switch that activates and deactivates LFO retriggering when notes are played.

ADSR Legato mod - The Odyssey retriggers the ADSR whenever a note is depressed, even when played legato.  This mod enables "legato" mode where the ADSR only retriggers when all keys are up.  This is useful for soloing or playing Minimoog style bass lines.  The Minimoog and most Moogs have "legato" envelopes by default.  You can switch between the two types of ADSR triggering with this mod. 

ADSR "Turbo" mod - This mod allows the ADSR envelope to toggle between the default speed and fast envelope speed.  

PCB and schematic diagrams specific to the white Odyssey 2800 synth are included for all 3 mods.