Contact us for any of your future parts needs. We have a huge inventory of parts covering the 1930's to present. We have parts for domestic, foreign, light truck and heavy duty trucks. WEBCO has served the parts needs of our customers since 1959, specializing in brake, suspension, clutch and much more. Please contact us with any application questions.           (914) 737-1980

This is a REAR brake kit that will fit all Honda CRV models 2005-2014.  This kit contains brake pads, rotors and hardware for both rear wheels.

The brake pads are Ceramic OE specific and produced in Canada by ABS friction. 

NOTE:  Photo is a file photo and may not be your actual kit.  If you would like actual photos please ask. 

NOTE:  Upon purchase please provide the year and model of you truck so we can check the parts prior to shipping.

We have similar kit available for nearly every car and truck.  Please contact us for a quote if you do not see your vehical listed.