Format: 7``/ 45 rpm
 Artist: ELVIS   
 Title: Vol 3 (4 Tracks EP)  
 Label/Nr.:  ORG GER RCA EP EPA 994
 Condition Vinyl: vg+  
 Condition Coversleeve: please see Pics 
 Condition Label: please see Pics
  Standard Comment:--------GIANT 50/60ties 7``/45rpm COLLECTION FOR SALE !!!!!---------
During the next month we are proud to present you this giant Collection of 7``/45rpm Singles and EPs from the 50ties and 60ties !!
The Collection must have been one of the biggest private Collections of that time that can be found in our days. 
The Collector has passed away some time ago and now his wife has sold the complete and untouched Collection to us. 
The complete Collection will now being auctioned on this account. Item by Item with a start price of 1€ only for each Item. 
The Collection is an almost complete Representation of the Development of Rock Music in the 50ties and 60ties. It represents the History of Rock&Roll, Northern Soul, Mod-Sound, Classical R&B, Blues, Beat, Do Woop, Rockabilly, Jazz and it also contains Country, Western and Gospel Rarities of that Time. 
It includes about 10.000 Singles and EPs as well as, Tapes, Books, Schellack-Records, CDs, DVDs, Video-Tapes, Posters and other Merchandise.
The Collection includes thousands of Items from hundreds of different Artists of that time.
It contains Originals as well as Repros. It contains extremly rare Items and some of them have never apeared for sale on Ebay or any other Platform before.
Originals or Repros will be seperated by the Word " ORG" or "REPRO" in the Headline of the Advertisement. For some Items its very difficult to be sure if it is an Original or a Repro, for these Items the Headline will say: "O/R ?". We will add Info about the Matrix for those Items so the specialists might be able to detect if its an Original or a Repro.
These Auctions will now start and will last for Month. Collecting and combined Shipping is possible for a Maximum of 14 days.
We will send per certified Mail only and we use DHL only.
We will give a fair Grading for the Vinyl-Surface-Condition. The Condition of the Sleeves and Labels can be seen on the Photos. Records without LC or PS will have 2 Photos from both sides of the Label. Records with LCs or Picture Sleeves will have 4 Pictures (Sleeve and Label Front and Backside). We won`t give further grading on Sleeve or Label conditions.
50ties and 60ties Maniacs might find here what they have maybe searched for Years, so keep an Eye on our listings in the next Weeks and Month  and Good Luck !! 


Our service includes:

- imediate dispatch
- combined postage discounts ( more info below )
- more than 400 new offers a month for rare vinyls
- all auctions with a startprice of 1 Euro only
- fair gradings based on the REAL condition of the item
- safe arrival due to professional packing material
- full satisfaction / money back guarantee for reasonable
   complains inbetween 7 days (except postage fee)

Alle Waren können auch versandkostenfrei in unserem Music-Store in 53773 Hennef-Uckerath an der B8/Westerwaldstraße 153 abgeholt werden. Wir bieten vor Ort eine grosse Auswahl an Vinyl, CDs, MCs, Postern, gebr. Stereoanlagen und vieles mehr. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch.
Wir versuchen immer die Platten so fair und genau wie möglich zu beschreiben und zu bewerten. Sollten Sie dennoch einmal unzufrieden sein, bitte kontaktieren Sie uns bevor Sie eine Bewertung abgeben. Man kann immer über alles reden und schließlich gewähren wir eine Geld-zurück Garantie.

Bitte beachten Sie auch unsere anderen Angebote. Wir bieten ständig eine große Auswahl an Vinyl und CD´s aus allen Musikrichtungen an. Bitte fügen Sie uns zu Ihrer Liste bevorzugter Verkäufer hinzu.
Die EU-Kommission stellt eine Plattform für außergerichtliche Streitschlichtung bereit. Verbrauchern gibt dies die Möglichkeit, Streitigkeiten im       Zusammenhang mit ihrer Online-Bestellung zunächst außergerichtlich zu klären. Die Streitbeilegungs-Plattform finden Sie hier: Unsere E-Mail für Verbraucherbeschwerden

Please check out our other offers and add us to your list of favourite sellers.

Gradings: Descriptions:
m = mint
vg = very good
g = good

Verifications by using +/- or ++/--
woc = writing on cover
wol = writing on label
rw = ringwear
soc = sticker or stamp on cover
sol = sticker or stamp on label
ss = seamsplit

Combined Postage Discount / Versandrabatt:

1-5 Singles / 7`` = 4,50€
6-25 Singles / 7`` = 7,00€

1-25 LP's / 12`` = 7,00€

1-8 Singles / 7`` = 7,00€
9-30 Singles / 7`` = 18,00€

1-2LP's / 12`` = 7,00€
3-15 Lp´s / 12`` = 18,00€

1-5 Singles / 7`` = 7,00€
6-25 Singles / 7`` = 18,00€

1-2 LP's / 12`` = 9,00€
3-15 LP´s / 12`` = 22,00€

Thank you for your interest and


