27232 Rural Church Kit HO…by BTS

Sunday mornings found most of the Cabin Creek folks in their simple church getting the word. Hopefully, the word was strong enough to last all week long. From the top of the steeple to the simple porch and steps, this is typical of churchs in many small towns. It is based upon a church found in rural West Virginia north of Cass.

Prototype photo - kit was based on this Church

This kit consists of laser-cut basswood, plywood, cardstock, detail castings, and the tabbed, well-engineered construction that provides easy assembly. Positionable doors and window sashes, and removable roof are features of this kit.

The footprint is about 24' x 56' (3-5/16 x 7-11/16")

MSRP is $49.95

You are buying an HO kit.  Use for HO or HOn3.

Thank you!

Happy Bidding!