One Vacation my family was lucky enough to have an opportunity to purchase something that can't normally be purchased. They bought a beautiful Boyd's Bear Nativity Store Display. I won't go in detail of what was paid for these, but they was not cheap by any means. We was told that there was only 2 of these Nativity Scenes done in the entire country. I have searched the internet some to see if I could locate the other one, but so far I haven't been able to do so. Again these are store displays and were never meant to be sold to the public. If you want to have the ultimate Boyd's bear christmas scene then this is it. I did not get to measure them if you must know their measurements I will try to get it. But, my guess is that the big bears are around two foot tall as they came up around my belly button when looking down at them. We was also told that this camel was a special camel too. Because it only has one hump instead of two. They told us that there was only one other camel like this as well in the country. But, they said that there was four or more camels that had two humps. As far as the Glitter B. Sparkletop bear wearing a star outfit. He may have been sold to customers I'm not sure. I did find one of him sold online, and they said that he was a rare bear with the star outfit. The bear wrapped in a blanket representing Jesus is just an ordanary bear. I think he is boyds, but he is not a boyds bear meant to be Jesus. I don't believe that boyds ever has made a bear to represent Jesus. Although they did make these other bears to represent the nativity. I would like to say that these are in New Condition because after leaving their original store they have been kept mostly up on a ledge. I brought them down and placed them around the fireplace to get a nice picture, but that is not where they are kept. If you have any questions feel free to ask. If you buy quickly I will do my best to have them shipped to you before Christmas. Also, I couldn't find any boyd's tags on the lamb, but he did come from the store display. And, we was told that he was a boyds lamb although I can't find a tag on it. Thanks so much for looking, and tell your friends if they are a big boyds collector. Thanks Nice