Victorian style Over bust  corset. The fully boned corset retains its shape no matter how tightly you like it laced. The 100 percent cotton lining which very soft yet extremely strong. 

Made with soft natural kid leather, full steel boned , steel spiral and steel rigid with front steel busk closure. Matching red Cotton lace tie back for some powerful cinch.  Please select a corset size 3 to 4" smaller than your actual waist size.

 With suspender's loops attached, waist trimming tape, cotton lined.

Very Strong steel boned under bust corset has an extremely tight fit to enhance your natural curves. Spring bones throughout the corset allow for movement, while rigid steel bones near the grommets help a strong lacing,  posture control and give you the definition you crave. 

 Don't waste any further monies for cheap/flimsy fake corsets hailing from China. We can assure you Very high quality with full refund guarantee incase you don't like it. 

You are welcome to collect the item from our shop in The Liberty shopping centre, London, RM1 3EE so you can try and select the right size.

Please order with full confidence with fast delivery promise.   If you have any queries then please send us an email and we will reply you asap.