Meet the Care Bears



Cheer Bear

Cheer Bear is a very happy Care Bear who helps others see the joyful side of life. She will sometimes even do a cheer to help brighten someone's day. Wherever she goes, Cheer Bear wears a belly badge of hope and happiness- a rainbow!


Grumpy Bear

Grumpy Bear frowns a lot - that's his way of showing us how silly we look when we frown too much. But even when we're grumpy, we're still loved and Grumpy Bear's belly badge is a reminder of that - a rain cloud with heart-shaped raindrops!


Cozy Heart Penguin

She may be the youngest member of the whole Care Crew, but she makes a big impact by making everyone around her feel warm and cosy. She speaks in cute little gurgles and coos, but the Care Crew knows her well enough to understand exactly what she’s saying.


Brave Heart Lion

Brave Heart Lion is the kind and fearless leader of the Care Bear Cousins. Anytime someone in the Care Crew needs a little help or advice, its Brave Heart to the rescue — with a fun, witty phrase that always seems to sum up the situation perfectly! Lotsa Heart


Elephant Lotsa Heart

Elephant is one of the most kind-hearted, compassionate Care Bear Cousins around. She’s loving and kind, and always tries to understand what others are going through — it often seems like she feels their emotions as much as they do!


True Heart Bear

True Heart Bear is lovable, perky, friendly and fun—everything you would expect from the co-founder of the Kingdom of Caring! The first of the Care Bears, she has always taught the importance of sharing and caring. True Heart’s belly badge is a multi-colored rainbow star with a heart at the centre, showing all of the beautiful kinds of caring that come from her heart.