Hey guys I am new to Ebay so give me feedback or ask questions if your unsure about something. I am in grad school and I work full time so my items take 4/5 days to ship.

 Happy Bidding!!! 

Please Allow up to 5 days before the item will be shipped as I am in grad school and work full time.

Your bidding on:

Extra Deck:
1x Stardust Sprak Dragon
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Arcanite Magician
1x michael, the arch-Lightsworn
1x Cairngorgon
1x Gem-knight Pearl
1x Wind-up Zenmaister

3x Judgment Dragon
3x Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
3x Raiden, hand of the Lightsworn
3x lyla, Lightsworn sorceress
1x Garoth, Lightsworn
1x Ehren, Lightsworn
1x Minerva, Lightsworn
1x Felis, Lightsworn
2x Wulf, Lightsworn
2x Performage trick Clown
2x Eclipse Wyvern
2x Fairy tail - snow
3x Rainbow Kuriboh

2x Charge of the light Brigade
3x solar recharge
1x Foolish burial
3x Monster Reincarnation
3x dicephoon

3x Dust Tornado

As a Bonus Gift for buying my auction you will  Recieve a Bonus Free Holo Card. It can be Super Rare, Ultra Rare, or Secret Rare or even GHOST Rare!!!