You are looking and a vintage coat from Abercrombie. 

The coat is about 15 years old but is in excellent condition.

 The size is a medium.

It is a more fancy coat in buttons up with four buttons. 

There are two pockets with buttons on the side. 

There is also a an attachment with two buttons in the back.

The code is lined in a powder blue material.

The code is 48% wool, 26% acrylic, 20% polyester, and 11% viscose rayon.

This would be a lighter coat, more for the spring.

Please see details regarding measurements of the jacket.

The jacket measures 26 inches long.

The width of the jacket under the arms is 15 1/2 inches.

Please see pictures for complete details.

Please ask any questions that you may have.

Thank you for looking.

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