Lee Oskar Melody Maker Harmonica Key of C D E G A

Incredible For Playing Melodies In 2nd Position (cross harp). Melody Makers are the best harps available for playing standard, single-note melodies. They're great for playing COUNTRY, R&B, POP, WORLD BEAT, AFRICAN and REGGAE.
This tuning makes it easier to play many songs...that can be difficult, or impossible, to play on a standard Major Diatonic...in 2nd Position (cross harp).
All of the notes that were missing on the Major Diatonic are right there on the Melody Maker!
These harmonicas provide a complete major scale, in cross harp, for playing exact melody without bending.
Yet, the draw notes can still be bent for that bluesy feeling!
Melody Makers are designed to be played in 2nd Position (Draw), not 1st Position(Blow). In 2nd Position, melodies can be played with an expressive, fluid style that is extremely difficult to achieve in 1st Position.
Model: 1910MM - Blue Label
Available in 5 Keys (Listed low to high):
C, D, E, G, A

Condition:    New
andale andalesell

Payment Options:   Credit Cards ,PayPal
Shipping Options:   Domestic shipping: Fixed Shipping Charges.
International shipping: Fixed Shipping Charges.
Shipping Carrier Domestic International Shipping Locations
Usps First-Class $0.00 - -
Usps Priority $3.95 - -
Usps First-Class Intl - $9.95 Canada
Usps Priority Intl - $19.95 Canada
Usps First-Class Intl - $12.95 Worldwide
Usps Priority Intl - $29.95 Worldwide
I will ship to:   United States, Canada, Worldwide

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