For sale is a used Nord Electro 2 with 61 keys in great condition! Also includes the soft case. This is a fantastic gigging keyboard, loaded with many classic analogue keyboard timbers including an amazing organ sound with Leslie emulation and electromechanical piano sound. The case can be worn as a back pack which is super helpful for anybody intending to use this keyboard for gigging purposes! 

More about this unit:
Full polyphony
9 electric drawbars with memory functionality
The drawbars of Electro 2 are represented by up/down buttons and LED bar graphs instead of the ordinary mechanical drawbars. This gives you a big advantage: when you change presets, the correct drawbar settings are shown immediately by the LEDs.
9 drawbar presets in ROM and 9 user configurable drawbar settings.
Effects: Swell (the characteristic B-3 volume pedal function). Percussion (2nd, 3rd, normal/soft, fast/slow). Chorus/Vibrato (C1, C2, C3/V1, V2, V3).
Keyboard Split: Makes it possible to play an organ sound with two different drawbar settings (Lower and Upper manuals) on the internal keyboard.
Dual manuals - MIDI Split: Nord Electro 2 is designed to support an extra MIDI keyboard in addition to its own. This makes it possible to play the Nord Electro 2 as a 2-manual (Lower/Upper manuals) organ with different drawbar settings for each manual.
Instruments: 5 multi-sampled electric piano instruments in Flash memory: E-Piano Mk I Stage Piano, E-Piano Mk I Suitcase Piano, Wurlitzer 200A, Clavinet D6 and the our custom modified Clavia Electric Grand Model G. We also included an acoustic Grand Piano - in stereo!
Effects: Presence (or Filter and Pickup selectors for the Clavinet D6 sound).
Memory: 48 user memory locations (6 Banks of 8 Programs each) in which you can store complete setups, including instrument settings (organ/piano) and effects settings.
Effects: Tube type Overdrive, Rotary Speaker simulation (slow, fast, stop), Equalizer, Chorus (2 types), Flanger (2 types), Phaser (2 types), Tremolo, Auto Wah, Wah-Wah (2 types), Auto panning and Ring modulation.
Keyboard: 61-key (5 octaves) or 73-key (6 octaves). Velocity sensitive semi-weighted ”waterfall” (square front) keyboard.
2 Audio outputs
1 Headphone output
1 Control pedal input
1 Sustain pedal input
1 Rotary Speaker speed switch pedal input
USB interface for fast and easy download of new piano sounds
IEC320 C7 power connector