Septarian Calcite / Fossil Egg

A true world class huge septarian egg, with open crystal and polished to the highest standards, a true collectors piece.
This piece is a true one off.

Size :   10.6  x  7 inch  approx.     27.5 x 16  x  18 cm

Weight :   10  KG approx

Location :  USA

Septarian:   A result of volcanic eruptions, dead sea life was chemically attracted to the sediment around them, forming mud balls. As the ocean receded, the balls dried and cracked. Due to their bentonite content they also shrank in size and basically made the Fossil explode, creating the cracks inside. As decomposed shells seeped down into the cracks in the mud balls, calcite crystals formed. The outer thin walls of calcite then transformed into aragonite

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