Probiotics, Prebiotics, Synbiotics, Symbiotics, Probotics, Prebotics, Probodics, Prebodics, Fiber
Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium Bifidum, Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Bacillus Coagulans, Bacillus Subtilis...
Pills, Capsules, Tablets, Dietary Supplement, Nutritional Supplement, Health Supplement, Probiotic Product, Synbiotic
Digestive Health Support, Intestinal Health Support, Gut Health Support, Vaginal Health Support, Colon Health Support, SIBO, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Constipation, Diarrhea, Candida Albicans Yeast Overgrowth

Exp 2018 ... or beyond

... EXCLUSIVELY on eBay or AVIVNATURALS. COM/products/synbio-plex-supplement
   ... see REVIEWS below and more at above link!

Acidophilus plus SIX other key beneficial LIVE Active Culture Probiotics
combined with TWO types of prebiotics (fiber)... best Synbiotic complex blend on market.

Balance pH - Build Good Bacteria - Kill Bad Bacteria (Candida Albicans Yeast and more)

NEW Factory Sealed - EXP 2018 or beyond - Always Fresh - SHELF STABLE

NOT from China. All safe, trusted, quality ingredients from FDA Inspected GMP Inspected and Certified Facility. (See label.)

CONTAINS a carefully selected blend of key beneficial bacteria with BOTH PREBIOTICS AND PROBIOTICS (LIVE!)

Recommended Use:
Adults and teens: take as directed.
Children and toddlers: open capsule and sprinkle half in food, formula or juice.

Prebiotics - Yummy FOOD for Probiotics
   (See more info and benefits about these ingredients below.)

FOS Dietary Fiber (FructoOligoSaccharides / Fructo-Oligo-Saccharides - Inulin Juice Complex)
Derived from safe all natural high fiber foods. This type of insoluble fiber is crucial to feed and build good bacteria.
BioMos Dietary Fiber (Mannan Oligosaccharide Complex)
Also a beneficial insoluble fiber complex. This provides delicious and long lasting food for your probiotics / good gut microbiota for a thriving gut microbiome.

Probiotics - Friendly Bacteria for Your Health
   (See more info and benefits about these ingredients below.)

Lactobacillus Acidophilus

SUPER probiotic, GOOD bacteria, which thrives in the small intestine where it produces a wide number of anti-microbial compounds. These compounds help slow the growth of 23 known toxins and inhibit tumuor and carcingenic growth. It also helps produce Amylase, a carbohydrate reducing enzyme.
Bacillus Subtilis - DE 111TM
Highly heat resistant strain. Resistant to moisture, light and stomach acid for rapid colonization of small intestines. Stabilizing affect on other probiotic strains for increased survivability and longevity which encourages a healthy thriving gut microbiome environment. This strain is extremely beneficial and long lived, being excreted slowly after promoting healthy growth of all good bacteria.
Bifidobacterium Bifidum
Essential part of the human intestinal microflora in the colon (large intestine). It is helpful in restoring balance from antibiotic use, and should be used both during and after a course of antibiotics. It is among the first to colonize the intestines of babies. It helps balance pH, prevent health-robbing bacteria, fungus, molds and yeasts by adhering to the folds of the colon mucosa better than other bacteria. Proper balance of bifidobacteria within the colon can help: Support overall digestive and colon health; Reduce putrefactive (foul-smelling and potentially harmful) substances in the colon; Maintain regularity and proper stool consistency; Promote healthy immune function. As adults age the amount of bididobacteria in the colon declines.
Lactobacillus Casei
Lactobacillus Casei is able to survive wide ranges of temperature and PH. It helps improve digestion, reduce lactose intolerance and relieve constipation. Known to aid the very beneficial growth of L. acidophilus.
Lactobacillus Rhamnosus
May be helpful in female-related infections, most particularly Bacterial Vaginosis (or "BV"). The L Rhamnosus species are most commonly found in the healthy female genito-urinary tract and are most helpful to supplement in order to regain control over dysbiotic bacterial overgrowth during an active infection.
Bacillus Coagulans
Assists in digestion of Lactic Acid. Stimulates both gastric juices and gastric mobility. Helps with increased utilization of calcium, phosphorus and iron. Improves intestinal pH balance with over 90% of people reporting relief from discomfort.


Probiotic Plus Prebiotic -- this combo is effective!  (See more further below.)

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