Hello, and welcome to our listing. We are Black Pyre. We have spent countless years aiding people from all over the globe delve into Satanic and Occult studies through our one-of-a-kind items, our extremely potent demonic grimoires available only through us, and our hands-on style of offering individuals such as yourself a safe, reliable and powerful glimpse into the world of demonology and occultism. From China, Hungary, France and Belgium, to Canada, Africa, Australia and further, Black Pyre has aided thousands of individuals upon the Left Hand Path, and we have carved our name into the halls of Satanic history. We pride ourselves on our quality, professionalism, and most importantly, our transparency and honesty - as well as the fact that a massive portion of our proceeds go towards animal charity and conservation efforts. Come 2017, we will be regularly contributing donations to the Bat World Sanctuary, amongst others that aid in the defense of wildlife and endangered animals. Currently, we are also in the beginning stages of our mission of creating the FIRST ever Theistic Satanic Church for public and private sermons, group and private ritual ceremonies and much, much more!

To comply with eBay policies, we want you to know that we cannot guarantee any metaphysical or otherworldly occurrences from the purchase of our items. It is deceptive in nature to claim that you can guarantee results from the spiritual world, and we advise that you avoid individuals that may try to make these "surefire" guarantees to you. With that being said, we are selling this occult item for its incredibly rich history, quality and for the purposes of entertainment, religious use and collection only.

Without further adieu, may I present to you today's offering!


 The Doll

The doll you are looking at comes from a private collection.

It is a classic Raggedy Anne-type doll, roughly 20" tall and is made with a cloth body and various materials for the hair and dress. The doll is covered with tons of burn marks, abrasions, scuffs, stains and other symptoms of decades of exposure, and is heavily disheveled from constant ritual use. We do not know the exact age of the vessel, but believe it to be at least from around the 70s.

Through testimony by the prior owner, séance work and our own experiences (including those of the prior owner), we sincerely believe that this doll is now the focal point of unhallowed. It has been utilized as a ceremonial effigy during black magic rituals,   It took about two and a half weeks for activity to get intense enough to begin documenting it, as it started off with very small occurrences (this is the first out of five stages that occur when a spirit begins infiltrating a new location and making its presence known). We touch on this in great detail within our Ars Mortem necromancy/possession grimoire.

We experienced minor things such as seeing dark blurs moving out of the corner of our eyes, hearing footsteps when nobody else was with us in our workshop, items of importance being hidden or "misplaced", so on and so forth. Interestingly enough, we experienced a host of electronic issues while trying to handle this doll, take photographs and list it for you. Cameras shutting off repeatedly by themselves, less than 1 month old laptop going haywire, uploaded pictures showing up entirely black and corrupted. After persistent attempts, we finally managed to take the photographs and upload them. Many of these occurrences are quite typical during legitimate spiritual activity, though the interference with electronics can be a bit rarer.

When the more intense activity has occurred around us due to this doll being in the vicinity, the activity tends to base itself off of our personal quirks and minor phobias - the inability to handle nightmares, disliking being alone in the dark, so on and so forth. Everything from candlesticks, books and decorative antiques being pushed off of shelves and mantles, to feint whispers and crying, massive drops in temperature, lucid nightmares and the unshakable, real feeling that we were about to be assaulted by unseen forces have all been felt by us at Black Pyre. Some of us experienced one or two of these occurrences while some of us experienced a multitude of them. Merely holding this doll while in a pitch black room is a surefire way to get the hair on the back of your neck standing up. It's almost a palpable feeling that you're not alone any longer. These incidents are atypical of a spiritual presence, and are often indicators of darker entities being involved.

Though this item carries foul energy with it, it has been rendered harmless to you. Our bonds with authoritative powers within the spiritual realm ensure a non-physical experience, and for no violent or harmful occurrences to take place because of this vessel - no matter how threatening these entities may feel at times. That is our promise to you. As this doll is an extremely cherished occult artifact of ours, should it fail to sell, we will likely not relist it. As our customers have been known to frequently watch our online presence, we encourage you to act quickly if you feel drawn to this unique and powerful piece of occult history.

A Certificate of Quality Assurance will be included with the sale of this doll.

All sales are indeed final, and payment
must be made within 48 hours of the purchase. Upon cleared payment, we will safely package the item and ship it via USPS Priority Mail. Should you find payment of this relic to be an issue, we recommend the incredibly useful PayPal Credit feature. We will also be open to offers, provided that they are reasonable. We simply want to ensure that this artifact finds an owner that will come to cherish it just as much, if not more, than we have. 

Additional Information

Again, we would like to make note of the fact that your purchase not only brings you a coveted, one-of-a-kind Occult artifact to call your own, but the proceeds aim to help countless stray, sick and abandoned animals receive the care and help that they need. Our business was created for two primary reasons - aiding you, and aiding these animals in need. With that being said, we want you take these goals of ours into consideration when buying from Black Pyre. Your funds are put to great use, and you are helping making great, powerful change for both yourself and these creatures in need!

If we start generating more sales this year, we will also look into donating to charitable organizations for the benefit of children, alongside our wildlife conservation, veteran and animal charity endeavors. We have made an incredible impact on not only charities within our own communities, but country-wide as well - and it's all thanks to individuals such as yourself.

We can be found on eBay, Etsy and Facebook, and we urge you to take a few moments to check out these additional resources if you wish to stay up-to-date on new and exclusive offers coming our way.

Thank you all for viewing, and thank you for choosing Black Pyre!

Darkest wishes.