Up for sale is this beautiful 1967 Ford Mustang coupe. It has a 302 V8 and automatic transmission. Car is garage kept, and it runs and drives great. This car would make a great father son project or just to add to a collection. Only minor work needed to restore this car. There is no major body damage on this car. However, the previous owner damaged the rear passenger side tail light area(pictured).

Known Issues with car:
-Master Cylinder leak
-Rusty floor pans (common on old mustangs)
-Most of the gauges do not work( only speedo works)
-Minor body and trim imperfections
-Paint (If restoring, it will need repainting)
-Pictures tell the rest of the story

Overall this car is in very good condition, and it is getting harder and harder to find cars like it. Don't let this piece of history get away from you!

*Car is sold AS-IS. Seller offers no warranty or guarantee of any kind*