It's finally here!

The NEW XS XM ulra low windshield. My windshields are made of an unbreakable material that is warrantied for life. If you break it just send it back and I will send you a new one. They do have trim around the top for safety. 

This listing is for the windshield only; base is not included!
If you have an Adrenaline, Sport or a TNT, you will need a low base kit.
I have base kits available for $25.00; they will ship with your windshield.  Just send me a note when you buy it and I will send you an  invoice. 
Shipping to the US and Canada - $10.00 
Shipping overseas - $20.00
These are made for snomobilers by an avid snowmobiler!

Thanks and  have a great winter!