Promera Health - Peak 400 Muscle Excitability Lemon Lime 30 Servings - 45 Grams (1.59 oz.)

Promera Health Peak-400 Muscle Excitability is a new category in performance nutrition designed to supply the body its "Universal Energy Currency" Adenosine 5'-Triphosphate the most prolific molecule in the body offering a myriad of benefits. PEAK-400 may be the best kept secret in sports supplementation.

Why Peak-400?
PEAK 400 delivers the only exclusively licensed legitimate, patent-protected and extensively researched form of oral ATP available – PEAK-ATP University studies confirm that raising the amount of ATP outside a muscle cell, even in small and transient amounts, can have profound and lasting effects on muscle excitability, blood flow and recovery. PEAK-ATP has been shown to:

ATP Versus Creatine are they the same thing?
One of the biggest misunderstandings associated with oral ATP supplementation is the erroneous conclusion that ATP and creatine are the same thing. Regardless of whether creatine is used as a stand-alone or a as part of a formula its presence is because creatine works by increasing intramuscular phosphocreatine levels and thereby increasing ATP re-synthesis rates. It does this by donating a phosphate group to ADP to form ATP.


People often mistake taking oral ATP as a method to directly increase intracellular muscle ATP. For this reason it is often wrongfully compared to creatine. However, science shows that they are two completely and very different supplements.

Peak ATPs (PEAK400) main methods of action are to increase ATP in the blood, not the muscle. And we know that ATP in the blood is the most essential aspect to increasing blood flow during exercise which impacts a vasodilation response and the delivery of key nutrients to muscle. It is also essential for muscle excitability; muscle velocity and power.

The relationship between ATP and CALCIUM
Very little is written about the importance of calcium and the critical role it plays in muscle contraction. During exercise it's inevitable that calcium depletes from muscle cells during each repetition having a dramatic effect on the excitability of muscle (the velocity and force of the contraction associated with each repetition). The fact is that calcium is considered the currency necessary to fuel muscular contraction. Oral ATP (the sole ingredient in PEAK400) affects muscular excitability by limiting calcium loss during repetitions performed as part of an exercise set.

Athletes should never separate oral ATP from its impact on muscle excitability and understand that ATP increases intra-cellular calcium concentrations and prevents calcium depletion during each repetition. The result is greater muscular excitability. In other words, increases in velocity, 1RM strength, and muscular endurance in the weight room and more repetitions per set.

Oxygen delivery to muscle and PEAK400
Naturally improved blood flow to muscles.
The delivery of oxygen to training muscles is of critical importance in aerobic exercise. Oxygen transport is a limiting factor for endurance sports. For as long as I can remember athletes and coaches have been exploring ways to improve the oxygen content of blood. Training in high altitudes is one method of affecting blood oxygen levels while other methods may fit neatly under anti-doping commissions’ definition of prohibited substances. Nonetheless, it should be clear to all of us that strap on a weight lifting belt that oxygen is necessary to clear out the lactate produced under high intensity conditions such as squat day or during those long brisk runs.

PEAK400 is dosed with clinically relevant levels of ATP known to significantly increase blood volume, oxygen levels in the blood and delivery of nutrients essential to support performance and recovery. Maybe training in the Swiss Alps or the Rocky Mountains of Colorado can be put on hold in favor of 400 mg of PEAK400. Give it a shot and you tell us how much your training endurance has improved.

About ProMera Health
ProMera Health's position is to guarantee to you that all their products are safe, compliant and do not contain a banned or illegal ingredient. Their sports supplement CON-CRET creatine has been IOC profiled by Aegis Sciences, one of the top forensic drug doping labs in the country to ascertain product purity.

StayActiv, a natural pain and anti- inflammatory remedy is the result of over six years of clinical studies and research at two major Division 1 University Medical Centers as an alternative to NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

Many companies in the supplements industry today are quick to market and do not take the time that is needed for quality control and testing of their products. Because of this haste it is the customers (athletes) who suffer and find their health and possibly their career/eligibility in jeopardy. In contrast to these practices, ProMera goes above and beyond the industry requirements to ensure that they are only delivering safe and effective products, their commitment to you, their customer.

ProMera Health's goal has one purpose, develop and deliver the finest products available in the sports nutrition and wellness markets - it is their mission and it is their passion. To stay true to their principles and their beliefs, ProMera chooses to only align themselves with companies and partners who share similar philosophies and practices in safety and compliancy. This is very important to them, as to ensure that they continue to offer only high-quality products that meet strict guidelines of safety, compliancy and efficacy.