*********2001 Mercedes E55 AMG**********
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MERCEDES E-CLASS *ITEM SHIPS TRUCK FREIGHT - SEE NOTES BELOW* SHELF,210 Type, E55, 5.5L V8 (113.980), NO CORE CHARGE (Engine No. 11398030253287)

Engine Test

Seat Test

Sunroof Test

Rear Sun Shade Test

Part Description: *ITEM SHIPS TRUCK FREIGHT - SEE NOTES BELOW* SHELF,210 Type, E55, 5.5L V8 (113.980), NO CORE CHARGE (Engine No. 11398030253287)
VIN of Donor Vehicle: WDBJF74J71B278610
Mileage: 0MI
Stock Number: 141104

Copyright 2012 Pacific Motors, All Rights Reserved
Tag: 0000040359 Location: E9-8 Category: W