HK 9927  - RC Aeroplane Plane Aircraft Helicopter LED Light System - Beacon Strobe Navigation and Landing Light

This system microcontroller based design PIC16F684.

8 pieces 5 mm LEDs:

- STROBE - 2x White LEDs (water clear, 14000mCd, 15*),

- BEACON - 2x Red  LEDs (water  clear,  10000mCd,  15*),

- NAVIGATION LIGHT - 1x Red LED (water clear, 10000mCd, 15*) and 1x Green LED (water clear, 18000mCd, 15*),

- LANDING LIGHT - 2x White LEDs (water clear, 14000mCd, 15*).

Power  switch - ON/OFF.

LED  wire  length:  600mm (23.62").

Button - ON/OFF Landing Light.

Power supply DC - 6 to 14V (You can use the car battery or 9V battery).


LD1 - Green LED - Navigarion

LD2 - White LED - Strobe

LD3 - White LED - Landing Light

LD4 - Red LED - Beacon

LD5 - Red LED - Beacon

LD6 - White LED - Leading Light

LD7 - White LED - Strobe

LD8 - Red LED - Navigation