Altay Jew's Harp by P.Potkin: Jaw/Mouth Harp + "Dark Leaf" Protective Case

Altay Jew's Harp by P.Potkin: Jaw/Mouth Harp + "Dark Leaf" Protective Case

Jews harp from famous Altay (republic in Russia) master Pavel Potkin. Compact wooden protective case is included. Good sound and ease to use makes this small (about 7cm length) komus one of the best choices available all over the world - considering it price. This is a real musical instrument, completely handmade - not a stamped toy like "SNOOPY HARP" (which is not playable at all). Potkin's komuses are best of altay jews harps produced nowdays for sale - for its price. Usually it is first and most affordable step in the world of thise instruments. But there is huge amount of much more interesting jews harps exist nowadays - which are easier-cleaner-louder-powerful and totally enjoyable than this, so-called "beginners", model. See our Recommended section.

Audio samples:

Jew's Harp

Jew's harp is one of the oldest musical instruments in the world with pocket size. Its rhythmic possibilities are endless and ability to change timbre in extreme, unusual ways are spectacular. Pure melodic playing with distinct overtones is possible too. It is easy to play and does not require musical training. To produce first sound, two frame ends must be hardly pressed to upper and lower teeth - not to lips - with left hand. Right index finger will be stroke reed elbow at direction, perpendicular to frame plane, inward and outward. The frame must not be squeezed with lips, teeth and hand!

Jaw harp, juice harp, mouth harp, ozark harp, trump, jew's trump are obsolete or wrong names of the jew's harp. This name has nothing common with the Jewish people. Other names for jew's harp in various regions of the world are: vargan, khomus, guimbarde, maultrommel, munnharpe, kubyz, dan moi, mondharp, temir-komuz, morsing, morchang, doromb, parmupill. More than 1000 names are known.


Oberton Pro is a unique specialized jew's harp centre, located in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. It is not just a store and includes school, museum, workshop, audio/video studio and club/small concert venue - all of this about jew's harps only. Our main goals are development of culture of jew's harp musical playing and providing information about this instrument and its usage. Direct connections with hundreds of craftmans from a whole world are established. We are players and we want you to play too. Guests from many countries visits our centre every year, you are welcome!

Oberton-Pro Jew's Harp Centre

Consultations and advices concerning playing techniques, instrument choice and maintenance are always available - ask you questions freely.

Shipping Time

International shipping time from Russia depends on destination and post load; usually it takes 7-15 days, but in very rare cases delays happens up to 30-40 days, be patient. We ships as soon as possible and take all responsibility for the parcel until you hold it in hands. Please note, that after shipping the sender can not control transportation process - it is postal service work. If some problem occurs, please contact us first, do not open ebay case - it hurts seller reputation hardly.

Tracking number included with all parcels; it is traceable 1) until border crossing in Russian Post site and 2) after - by your local post office site, if such exists.

Shipping Safety

Each instrument checked by professional before packaging. We make custom wood block for the instruments without special case - it gives good protection against dropping, stepping and even jumping on package. You can use it all time later too. Moreover, block with jew's harp is wrapped with soft pack material and taped - you will need a scissors to remove it.

Oberton-Pro jew's harp package


We guarantee that shipped instrument will be free of any defects and will play as intended by its maker. But any good instruments requires proper handling - many owners of souvenir toys looking like jew's harp, with huge gaps and primitive sound, are used to squeeze it hardly with hand, teeth or lips. These toys even plays louder when squeezed - and such habit arises unconsciously. If your new, real jew's harp produces metallic clangs: 1) remove lips from the frame; 2) reduce force of pressing it to teeth; 3) do not squeeze frame in vertical direction with fingers; 4) strike with 90 degree direction to the frame plane - without up, down, left or right offset. For more detailed guideline, refer to "How to hold jew's harp properly"

But if you just don't like item received without any reason - we will make refund or replacement (excluding shipping cost). Our policy: Each jew's harp sold must play, not gather dust on the shelf!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

You will find huge amount of useful information about jew's harps ans store workflow in our FAQ page.

Oberton Pro Jews Harp Room