Gentner Teleswitch Broadcast Hybrid Call Director Phone Line Selector

Used, Close to Mint Cosmetic Condition


Here's a rare chance to pick up a lightly used Gentner teleswitch.  These are normally used to provide extra functionality between multiple phone lines and a Gentner on-air hybrid unit.  As I recall these were over $800 back in the day.

Full details may be obtained from the User Manual.

This one is on close to mint cosmetic condition amd comes with a non-OEM regulated 12V power supply.  I have replaced any blown lamps so you should be good to go out of the box (but keeping a few 7371s on hand would be a good idea) .

I have tested the unit using a single phone line and sequentially checking that I could route the line to the screener's phone output and to the hybrid output.  I was able to place all lines on hold and to release them as expected.  So based upon this basic test sequence, as far as I can tell the unit works as it should.  I could also follow the key sequence to select two lines and conference them together -- and route the mixed audio through to the hybrid output and see all the right indications on the display lamps.