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What is mDrawBot?

mDrawBot is the world's most fully-featured four-in-one drawing robot. It can be assembled into 4 different configurations: mScara, mSpider, mEggBot, and mCar.

A varity of components

This kit consists of over 60 components from Makeblock, including beams, brackets, motor, etc. It also comes with a specially-designed software named mDraw to control these robots. Here's the picture of all the components.



mScara is a SCARA (Selective Compliance Articulated Robot Arm) driven by stepper motors. Adding a pen on mScara, it can draw pictures on a flat surface. You can also turn mScara into a desktop laser engraver replacing the pen with a laser diode.


mSpider is a drawing robot which can draw pictures on a wall or a white board. Two stepper motors control the movement of mSpider though strings. Theoretically, its drawing range can be expanded by increasing the length of the strings.



mEggBot is designed to draw on things that are improbable to print on, such as eggs or ping-pong balls. It can be used to write letters, draw expressions on spheroid, or draw Easter eggs.


mCar is a three-wheel robot car, which contains two stepper-motor-drive wheels and a ball-caster wheel. It can draw its own movement tracks on flat surface. Installing a chalk instead of a pen, it can draw on the floor.



mDraw is the software specially designed for mDrawBot. After installing the mDraw software, you can import images that you wish your robot to draw. It is completely compatible with the four forms of mDrawBot and also both the servo mode and laser mode of Makeblock XY Plotter V2.0.

A Drawbot, and More than A Drawbot

This kit consists of over 60 components from Makeblock, including beams, brackets, motor, etc. It also comes with a specially-designed software named mDraw to control these robots. Here's the picture of all the components.Here are some examples of what you can do:


mDrawBot Animation Assembly








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