THE SMARTER SMART SUPPLEMENT iQ2Labs is the company behind iQ² ™ -a groundbreaking brain supplement (nootropic) that enhances focus and concentration, while supporting your short term memory.  iQ² is a new formua developed  after much research and consultation with biomedical experts, manufactured by an established nutraceutical company that has over 50 years of experience in the field.  iQ² is a powerful formulation of nootropics and vitamins that has everything we want from smart drugs: proven to work, optimal amounts of the best active ingredients, legal and FDA approved, manufactured in the United States with the highest safety and efficacy standards, and safe for any healthy adult.  But what makes iQ² so special is that it contains cocoa flavanols which expand your blood vessels so your brain can absorb much more of the nootropics in the formula. Research also revealed that raw cacao in its minimally processed state (not the type you find in grocery stores) is one of the best brain foods, with a proven track record of boosting memory, learning, energy levels, and mood — it does this by significantly improving circulation. Product Description iQ² has the optimal dosage of twelve premium nootropics, including choline, DMAE,acetyl-l-carnitine and          vinpocetine.Instant "wow" effect from the first serving.All our ingridients are FDA approved.Money Back Guarantee Policy.Free Shipping in the USA &(First class mail delivery). The Benefits for Taking Cocoa Flavanols Cocoa is a rich source of antioxidantssuch as polyphenols that are also found in red wine, apples, and tea. All of these are known to be beneficial for cardiovascular health.  However, raw cacao powder – especially unprocessed, raw cacao – contains much more of these polyphenols than any other food.Once ingested, these polyphenols fight to protect low-density lipoproteins (LDL), the so-called “bad cholesterol,” from oxidation.This is one of the major factors that leads to heart disease, strokes, and heart attacks.Here's the deal:Polyphenols reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, another major indicator of heart disease, and improve insulin sensitivity, which could benefit diabetes prevention and treatment.A very promising subclass of polyphenols is called flavanols. One particular flavanol called epicatechin – has been shown to reduce blood pressure by increasing the levels of nitric oxide. This widens the arteries and increases blood circulation throughout the body and the brain.Raw Cacao& Brain Health:Raw cacao powder has shown to improve memory, concentration, as well as both physical and mental stamina.It is a powerful ingredient that works synergistically well with other nootropics. You will clearly experience how well it works while using the iQ² brain supplement. The raw cacao powder found inside the iQ² brain supplement helps to expand the arteries and allow the other cognitive boosting ingredients to be more efficiently absorbed by your brain. It allows every other ingredient to be more powerful and effective.  Even by itself, without the addition of powerful cognitive enhancers, raw cacao powder has been shown to improve memory and concentration, but when you combine it with a “smart drug cocktail,” it becomes the ideal brain health ingredient.We’ve gone to great lengths to secure the best source of high-flavanol raw cacao powder, and we are the only smart drug supplement company that includes this hard-to-find ingredient in our formula, though surely others will follow as they wake up to the proven health and cognition benefits of raw cacao powder.The high-quality cacao used in iQ² makes it one of the most unique and effective nootropic brain supplements on the market today. Find out how you can get iQ² here and notice the difference. Contact Information Our goal is to understand our customer's needs, so we can provide the best possible service.We will be happy to answer to any questions you might have about our pdocut.You can send us a message on eBay and we will get right back to you.