Smoking Wood Chips


For bbq food smokers & BBQs



SmokeBox Smoke Generator - Round . Similar to my longer version, with sliding lid. Put on heat source and control the smoke output with the lid and heat source. Very easy to use. STAINLESS STEEL - FOOD GRADE

Best suitable for Hot smoking.

Here is how to use the generator:

  • put on hot charcoal
  • put on you gas or electric gril in a bbq or a food smoker
  • put in your oven - yes you can smoke in your own oven
  • slide the lid to release desired amount of smoke
  • ENJOY :-)




Alder is commonly used with fish, but also works well with beef and pork.  It has a light, slightly sweet flavor and is not overpowering.  It is much less dense than other smoke woods,  produces very nice white smoke.Great for beginners..

Apple smoking wood chips


Apple has a light, fruity, slightly sweet aroma and is commonly used with pork and poultry, but best with fish and partly mixed for red meat.  It can be mixed with other smoke woods like oak and cherry with good results. 

Ash smoking wood chips


Ash is a great smoking wood, because it can be used with pretty much anything. I haven't explored all of it's potential yet but keep an eye on my website where i put all my updates.  So far it has been good for : PORK, POULTRY AND FISH

Beech smoking wood chips


Beech, a bit like Alder, has great fragrance and immediately fills the room with a with a very foresty scent,   goes well with beef, pork, lamb, poultry, and fish.  Very good allround wood so suitable for beginners

Birch smoking wood chips


Birch is probably the most undervalued and under estimated smoke wood, in flavor,  it complements all meats, poultry, mushrooms and cheese.  a lot of smokeries buy it from me. 

Cherry smoking wood chips


Cherry is one of my favorite woods to use with fish, and combined with Salmon it is heaven on earth.  Literally everybody that tried my cold smoked salmon asked for more.superior wood with an Unlimited potential.

chestnut smoking wood chips

Chestnut has been very popular of late and is good for grilling, but since it burns hot and fast, it's not recommended for long barbecues.  Chestnut is a well balanced smoking wood; hence its popularity with restaurant grills that cook meat for a very fussy clientelle.   Buy Chestnut wood to smoke  pretty much everything, but i have not tried it with garlic, cheese and mushrooms yet.


Damson is a plum so already it is great, and if it was for the looks of the wood ,  it would have been my favourite. Very good for pretty much everything, but i have not tried it with garlic, cheese and mushrooms yet.

hazelnut smoking wood chips

Hazelnut is amazing smoke wood. Combination of foresty like sweetness and elegance,  i have not yet found a wood that smells better or produces a nicer aroma.   Great for allround smoking, especially fish, meat, poultry, game animals and birds. My personal nr.3 smoke wood.

Hickory smoking wood chips

Hickory is regarded as The Smoking Wood for BBQ. It is quite powerful but manageable.  I Found it great with heavier meats like : Red meat, game, squirrels; salmon was also very nice indeed.  The wood is light in color and quite dense, never a disappointment.

lIME smoking wood chips

Lime is nice and fruity, don't be fooled by bitterness of limes. Great for cold smoking fish, poultry, pork , also pigeon was absolutely amazing. It is a fruit wood so always great for beginners  , as well as for experienced food smoking fanatics

Maple smoking wood chips


Maple has a milder flavor than oak. Some say it has a slightly sweet flavor because of sugar content.  You'll have to judge for yourself...I like it for allround smoking. Maple goes especially well with pork, Salmon, and poultry.  The wood is dense in weight but light in color.

Oak smoking wood chips


Oak is one of my favorite smoke woods. It goes with just about any barbecue meat.  It has a medium smoky flavor that is stronger than apple and cherry, but lighter than hickory.  As a result, it mixes well with these three woods, but also works great by itself.  It has a dense, tight grain and a color ranging from almost white to yellow to red.

Plane smoking wood chips


Plane  as a smoke wood is similar to oak , so is great with heavier stuff like  beef, game,  cheese, mushrooms. Mix with fruit woods to use on salmon and pork. Nice hardwood.

pear smoking wood chips

Pear is an amazing wood for smoking food; it is full all goodies that compliment most foods,  very similar to Apple, can go with other woods or on his own, good with beef, fish, pork, and poultry.   The wood is light in color and quite dense, Superior smoking wood.

Plum smoking wood chips


  Plum is great with beef, pork, and poultry. Its flavor is described as spicy and fruitty.  It can be used by itself or mixed with oak. I especially like it with Salmon, chicken and ribs.  

Special Mix


Red oak is an amazing smoke wood. Combination of forestry like sweetness and elegance,  i have not yet found a wood that smells better or produces a nicer aroma. Great for all roundsmoking, especially fish, meat,  poultry, game animals and birds. Hard to get so may be pricey . ENJOY :~)


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