USP Labs Modern 536g Pink Lemonade BCAA Plus


Flavour:Pink Lemonade All BCAA Are Not Created Equal Can you believe we made it even better? The 8:1:1 ratio-containing Modern BCAA has been the standard of excellence since its release, but a new standard has arrived - Modern BCAA+ - and it is loaded with 50% more aminos per serving! With Modern BCAA+ you'll get a colossal 450 grams of aminos in each 30 serving tub for a whopping 15 grams in each serving!50% More Aminos Per Serving + Key Aminos Modern BCAA is the choice BCAA supplement for anyone serious about training, but innovation is the name of this game and USPlabs is always looking for ways to improve its products and improve your results- enter Modern BCAA+. Not only did we give you MORE AMINOS, we gave you NEW AMINOS, new key exercise aminos that have been shown to do all kinds of things that will make you want them: Glycine: Supplementing with this amino around exercise is very important because muscles release more glycine during fasted exercise than any other amino, which can create a catabolic state. Alanine: Also released at very high rates during fasted exercise, making supplementation important to preventing a catabolic state. Taurine: The most abundant amino acid in skeletal muscle. A recent animal study demonstrated that when muscles are low in taurine, muscle function and performance were significantly reduced. Lysine: This essential amino acid has been shown to preserve leucine in a protein starved stateYou Want Leucine and We've Got it - The Coveted 8:1:1 BCAA Ratio You want Leucine and most BCAA products just don't have that much of it. Measly 2:1:1 and 4:1:1 ratio-containing products are causing people to double, triple, or even quadruple their servings to achieve better results, drastically decreasing how long the product lasts. Don't waste your hard earned money; get all the leucine you need with Modern BCAA+ and its coveted 8:1:1 Leucine, Valine, Isoleucine ratio! Simply mix one serving of Modern BCAA+ with water and enjoy all the Leucine your amino- deprived muscles desire! Ingredients Micronized L-Leucine, Micronized L-Isoleucine, Micronized L-Valine, L-Lysine, L-Tarine, L-Alanine, L-Glycine, L -Alanyl-LGlutamine (Sustamine). Citric Acid, Natural Flavors, Sucralose. See all


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