CARL ZEISS JENA DELTRINTEM  GERMAN 8x30 binoculars centre focus control  8xtimes magnification 30mm light gathering objective  THERE ARE MARKS IN THE RIGHT HAND SIDE BARRELS ON THE INTERNAL OPTICS SO THEY COULD DO WITH A CLEAN I HAVE NOT NOTICED ANY  EFFECT WHEN BINOCULARS ARE IN NORMAL USE I THINK MOST PEOPLE COULD LIVE WITH IT AND MAYBE NEVER NOTICE  see pics see pics  ,see  other items pics  w y s i w y g(IF THE BINOCULARS WERE PERFECT THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN LISTED AT A MUCH HIGHER PRICE)09/01/2017 its not physical or mechanical damage people with expertise could remedy the cosmetics and that explains the low listing price perfection costs more

any questions please allow me time to reply