Want to start building your own effects pedals?

Here's a kit which makes a great introduction to building your own for not too much money.

This is based on a classic circuit - the 'bazz fuss'. A thick, bassy fuzz which works nicely on guitar or bass. It's a simple circuit with very few components and only one knob - volume!

This kit contains everything you need to build a fully functional fuzz pedal:

  • Veroboard (used for prototyping circuits - great for pedals!)
  • 3PDT footswitch for true bypass)
  • All components (and some spares!)
  • Enough stranded wire to work with
  • A red LED and bezel to mount it with
  • A power jack to take 9v of power (the same as your existing pedals)
  • A little bit of solder
  • Some heat shrink tubing to protect component legs
  • An industry standard 1590B enclosure (optional - also available with holes already drilled)
This is an easy kit to get you started in building effects pedals. It comes with full colour illustrated instructions to get you started. All you'll need to complete the kit is a soldering iron, and some wire cutters.

It's available with an enclosure for a bit more cash, and I'll drill the enclosure with the correct holes properly on a drill press for a bit more, in the configuration seen in the image. You can also choose your own knob as seen in the image - a choice of four different types (subject to availability - drop me a message and I'll see what I've got)

This will be posted 1st class through Royal Mail in a jiffy bag with all components kept safe.

Due to the DIY nature of the kit I am unable to offer returns - but please feel free to drop me a line if you have any problems.
