Master Replicas Anakin Skywalker Revenge of the Sith Lightsaber. This 1:1 scale hilt is an officially licensed prop replica. 2005 Limited Edition #1869/4500. It is like new, displayed in an enclosed bookcase in a smoke-free home. The original box has shelf wear, but the prop, display case and stand are beautiful. Included are two plaques and a certificate of authenticity from Master Replicas. 

Some lightsaber lore:
This is THE legendary saber to make appearances in all three Star Wars trilogies. After murdering most of the Jedi Order, Anakin Skywalker lost this saber to Obi-Wan Kenobi after their historic duel on Mustafar. Years later it was given to Luke Skywalker in on Tatooine, only to be lost again in yet another historic duel over the cloud city of Bespin. It makes its latest appearance in The Force Awakens, calling to Ren before engaging in, you guessed it, another historic duel. 

Own a piece of history in preparation for the new films!