This Gorgeous Carnelian Agate Flame Statue Reiki Crystal Standup was mined and hand polished on Madagascar. It demonstrates absolutely gorgeous Carnelian red color with bits of fire orange and milky white throughout the stone! This piece shows off beautiful well-defined veins and bands! 

We love the deep color and beautiful polishing of this Carnelian!

Dimensions:       6" x 4.64 " x 3.23"          148 mm  x 117 mm x 82 mm

Weight:               3.735 lbs  (1.694 g )

 Chemical composition: SiO2

Geology: Carnelian belongs to the quartz family and has a hardness of 7. Carnelian, like our blood, has a beautiful red color, too. Its red­ness results from concentrations of iron. The main sites, where it is found today, are in Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Uruguay and India.

Historical tradition: Carnelian is amongst the most valuable of the semi-precious stones of the ancient world. The Egyptians carried this stone with them as a symbol of regeneration and faithfulness. The Pharaohs at this time ascri­bed the most divine powers to this stone, with which they liked to decorate themselves. In addition to won­derful decorative objects and chains, carnelian was also added as an object deposited with corpses in the grave to ensure a trouble-free life after death. The name of this stone comes from the Latin word Corneolus, because it looks like a cherry. Its color reminds the observer of sunset and therefore, since the time of the ancient Greeks, it has expressed the symbol of the returning sun.

Curative and therapeutic effects on the body: Carnelian helps especially against blood disorders and vascular congestion. It lowers the blood sugar level and regenerates the blood corpuscles and provides immediate relief in the case of nose bleed, bleeding wounds and blood poisoning. Carnelian produces better perfusion of the organs, by means of the blood corpuscles, greatly improves the supply of oxygen, and strengthens the body's defenses. People who fre­quently have cold feet should wear a carnelian chain over the breast, because that activates the circulati­on and thereby results in a better blood supply right to the extremities. Likewise, as a chain or as carneli­an tea, the skin will be supplied with sufficient oxygen and nutrients, too. Pimples, eczema and wrinkles caused by the ageing process can be relieved and healed by carnelian. Due to its healing action on the blood, it brings relief by allowing the blood to flow more smoothly through the blood vessels and the heart. The cardiac muscle does not have to exert such high pressure to supply the complete circulation with an adequate amount of blood. The heart is relieved and the blood pressure is, nevertheless, maintained at a constant level. Too low or too high blood pressure can be regulated using carnelian.

Carnelian purifies the blood by strengthening and supporting the spleen. The spleen and the blood have a close functional relationship. They produce the lymphocytes (small parts of the white blood corpuscles) and purify the blood of toxins. Moreover, the spleen is the largest organ of the lymphatic system which par­ticipates in antibody formation. In this context, carnelian also controls the production of hormone-like sub­stances in the spleen, which are responsible for healthy blood formation in the bone marrow. As a result of the detoxicating effect, carnelian eliminates complaints in the abdomen, such as digestive problems, inte­stinal disorders, kidney, liver and gall bladder complaints. Carnelian water helps against parodontosis, blee­ding of the gums and protects against ulcerative stomatitis. It fortifies the eyes and bestows on the skin (allow two to three cherry-sized carnelians to soak overnight in 0.3 L water and drink the liquid in the morning on an empty stomach) a more youthful appearance when applied regularly. If added to the bath water, the regenerating and stimulating powers of carnelian can be experienced as being very effective. When laid under the pillow, carnelian acts against sleeplessness and despondency or depression.

Curative and therapeutic effects on the mind: Carnelian is a stone which symbolizes regeneration and gives us more vitality and joy of living.

Sign of the zodiac: Aries, 21st March to 20th April, Taurus, 21st April to 20th May, and Scorpion, 24th October to 22nd November

Chakra: When laid on the root or sacral chakra carnelian creates a special warmth in the abdomen. These oscilla­tions are transmitted with a particular healing effect on disorders of the abdomen and have a preventive action during pregnancy. Carnelian penetrates with vigor in fulfilling the requirements of the heart and helps us to make the right decisions in our lives and in questions of love and partnership.

How can I obtain a carnelian and how should I look after it? Carnelian can be obtained as rough stones, tumbled stones, hand stones, chains, pendants, beads, pyra­mids, obelisks, donuts, geodes and in many fantastic elements for necklaces and leather bands. Carnelian should be cleaned and discharged at least once a month under lukewarm, running water. Chains should be discharged overnight in a dry bowl with hematite tumbled stones. If you work particularly intensively, it is recommended to make use of discharging with hematite balls. Recharging under the sun or in a group of crystals is recommended and, because carnelian cannot be overcharged, they can also be charged for lon­ger periods of time in the sun.