Jow Ga is a traditional style of Kung Fu that originated in Southern China. It developed over time by combining features of three different Kung Fu systems: Hung Ga, Choi Ga, and Northern Shaolin kicking methods. Jow Ga Kung Fu training also incorporates the famous five animal techniques and over 18 different weapons. Jow Ga joins the powerful hand techniques of Hung Ga with the fast footwork and blitz attacks of Choi Ga and the devastating kicking arsenal of Northern Shaolin to create a more comprehensive Kung Fu style. 

Sub Dok Sau was originally created by Hung Ga Master Wong Fei Hung, and is one of the foundation forms of Hung Ga Kung Fu, one of the three styles which Jow Ga is comprised from. This form teaches solid stances, dynamic strength, and methods of generating incredible energy through powerful hand techniques.

This DVD includes:     
• Eight Stances of Jow Ga
• Jumps & Spins
• Strength & Conditioning Exercises
• Sub Dok Sau Techniques
• Complete Sub Dok Sau Form
• Sub Dok Sau in Six Sections
• Sub Dok Sau Applications