The LittleArm is a 3D Printed Arduino STEM Robot Kit ideal for teaching and learning robotics and programming Since the LittleArm is a small robot arm, using it in a STEM class creates a highly interactive method of introducing programming and engineerin concepts to STEM students Using the free graphical desktop application software the LittleArm robot arm can be easily trained to perform any number of actions. No programming experience necessary The LittleArm is very expandable, providing a solderless breadboard, interchangeable grippers, and extra ports on the Arduino Uno. Students and Hobbyists can create and add whatever they want. Since the LittleArm robot arm is controlled by an Arduino there is a rich ecosystem of support and tutorials in order to take users from beginning programming to advanced. The Little Arm is an Arduino STEM robot kit for hobbyists and students to learn robotics and progrogramming. Anyone can train the robot arm using the desktop application, regardless of experience. The Little Arm has a broad support ecosystem maintained and grown by its user community. Due to its highly versatile nature, as a robot arm, and unique capabilities for education the Little Arm is used by STEM schools all over the US, and is even utilized by organizations such as STEM Bus USA. The Little Arm is an ideal robotics kit for beginners or advanced hobbyists. It provides a means to explore robotics, engineering and programming to a degree that no other robot kit can offer.