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Product Description

Every day the heart pumps around 100,000 times. A blood volume of 9 tons is moved. The blood flows through the veins similar to water being pumped through a hose. The vascular walls ('the hose') are exposed to high pressure.

The blood circulation has the important task to provide all organs and tissues with blood. Therefore the heart is of great importance because as a pump it keeps the blood running. For this purpose, the heart beats at a steady rhythm of about 60 - 80 beats per minute. With each beat, the heart first contracts - systole - and presses the blood into the blood circulation. Then the heart expands and fills with blood - diastole - which is pumped out with the next beat.

Blood pressure is measured in the systolic (upper value) and diastolic pressure (lower value). The WHO (World Health Organisation) recommends an optimal blood pressure of 120/80 mmHg. Blood pressure values above this normal range are called hypertension (high blood pressure).

Hypertension forms: Stage 1 mild hypertension Systolic 140 - 159, Diastolic more than 90

Stage 2 medium to serious hypertension Systolic 160 - 179, Diastolic more than 95

Stage 3 serious hypertension Systolic more than 180, Diastolic more than 110

Hypertension (high blood pressure) does not always have obvious side effects or symptoms and many people may only find out they have high blood pressure when the vascular walls or the cardiac muscles are damaged and severe after-effects of hypertension like a heart attack or stroke occur. Therefore it is very important to monitor your blood pressure particularly when over 40 years of age, don't exercise or participate in sports, have a high-salt or high-fat diet, smoke, drink alcohol and are often under stress.

The Medisana Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor HGH provides you with a quick, easy and reliable way to measure your own blood pressure on a daily basis. It simply slips over the wrist with a velcro band and you press a button to the inflate the cuff and measure the blood pressure. It also features a 'traffic light' function to make it easier to tell where your blood pressure falls in accordance with the WHO guidelines - Normal blood pressure (green display area), Mild hypertension (yellow display area), Moderate hypertension (orange display area), Severe hypertension (red display area). It also stores the last 60 measurements taken, so you can take the unit with you to your doctor to show him how your blood pressure has varied over these readings.

Medisana HGH wrist electronic blood pressure monitor, description:

Medisana HGH wrist electronic blood pressure monitor ensures accurate blood pressure measurement. µ
Readings classified on World Health Organization.


Medisana HGH wrist electronic blood pressure monitor, details:


  • - Traffic light function for classifying blood pressure according to WHO (World Health Organization) scale
  • - Number of memory slots: 60
  • - Type of blood pressure measurement: wrist, fully automatic
  • - Arrhythmia detection

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