Join the Bitcoin revolution!

Bitcoin is very quickly taking hold in the modern world and may well be the future of currency. With Bitcoin, monetary transaction become simple, direct and entirely transparent avoiding middle-man companys and banks taking their cut of your money. All transaction are peer to peer and secured by the bitcoin network itself. 

The Avalon Thumb by Drillbit Systems hashes reliably at 1.7 gh/s with overclocking potential up to 2.2 GH/s. Perfect as a first introduction to bitcoin mining. It easy to use with comprehensive instructions available. Just plug it in, install the drivers and start mining your very own bitcoin right away.

With Bitcoin prices set to rise again and chalenge the previous all time high of $1200, this hardware will generate you some decent coin. The price of bitcoin has rocketed from its humble beginnings, climbing from $10 at the beginning of last year and currently sitting around the $600 mark. Many credible analysts predict the rise to continue potentially into the 10s of thousands. Get in now and mine yourself come bitcoin!