A flat style flashing beacon bar which is available in 3 styles. This version has a sets of Deep Amber (orange)  LEDs front and rear for better realism.

These bars have 16 LED's in 4 sets of 4, each pair of LED sets ( Left and Right) flash in synchronised patterns (9 patterns). The flashing sequence is selected by two pushbuttons (one for front and one for the rear). The forward and rear pairs can be set separatley but the units can be modified to be controlled by a single button.

The case is of rounded form top front and rear, top and sides are silver/grey , front and rear are clear.

The beacon comes supplied with a connector for a 9Volt battery pack but will run from approx 3 volts to 12 volts.

width: 25mm
height: 6mm
working voltage : approx 3 to 12 volts