
If you win this auction, we will mail you the ebook on CD (HOW TO BUILD A GRAPPLING AND TAKEDOWN DUMMY, PDF file, 15MB, 70 pages), which you can view on your computer or smart phone. 

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Why spend up to $500 on a grappling dummy, when you can build one yourself for dirt cheap, with joints that lock out and shoulders that rotate! 

A grappling dummy is essential for memorizing and learning new submissions, sweeps, guard passes, chokes, and even wrist locks and toe holds. The takedown dummy can sharpen your skills on inside/outside leg trips and double leg takedowns. You can build your own dummy with inexpensive parts from the hardware store or even goodwill store: pvc, glue, wood, tape, cord, old clothing, belts, and metal brackets. Speed up your learning process with your own grappling dummy!

Also included in the free webpage updates section:

Improve your Dummy's Guard Here is a little trick to help improve your ground game. Use this when working on passing the guard.

Adding Hands to Your Dummy This article goes into a little more detail on adding hands and feet to your grappling dummy.

A New Design for the Takedown Dummy This takedown dummy might work better. It's lighter and less rigid and can be made from a combination of metal and plastic pipe.

Should You Buy a Filled or Unfilled Dummy So you have some money to spare. Which is a better choice, a filled or unfilled dummy? Read this update to find out.  

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