NEW Women and Distance Education By Christine Von Prummer Paperback


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Women and Distance Education

by Christine Von Prummer

ISBN: 9781138866478


Format: Paperback
Postage: FREE Standard Postage
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Product Description

This book provides valuable insights into the situation of women in distance education around the world. A wide variety of evidence from different countries supports the conclusion that open and distance learning has the potential to provide equal opportunities in higher and continuing education and that these are currently being missed. The author provides conclusive evidence that distance education, while involving a degree of risk to the stability of families and relationships, etc., nevertheless offers women a chance which, on balance, is worth taking. The author says that it is up to distance education policy makers to provide a framework for women students which will limit the risks and maximise the opportunities. Drawing on fascinating case study material, this book presents vital information for these policy makers.

Product Details
  • ISBN: 9781138866478
  • Format: Paperback
  • Title: Women and Distance Education

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