Original Erscheinungsjahr: 1972 Year originally published: 1972
Label: Longhair Label: Longhair
Zustand: Neuware Condition: New
Land: Deutschland Country: Germany
Stil: Jazzrock / Krautrock Style: Jazzrock / Krautrock
Herstellungsjahr: 2016 Date manufactured: 2016
Medium: LP Media: LP
Gewicht.: 330 Weight.: 330
Artikelnr.: LHC – 160 Cat. no.: LHC – 160

Bemerkungen / Comments:

This is the first vinyl reissue of legendary Wolfgang Dauners Et Cetera production with Colosseum drummer Jon Hiseman and legendary jazz rock guitar player Larry Coryell. On bass Günter Lenz, at that time one of the best German jazz bass players and on drums - of course - legendary Et Cetera drummer and later Exmagma musician Fred Braceful. German music magazine ,,Sounds' characterised the music as melodic jazz rock with electronic embellishments. In the matter of fact the album starts off with Coryells heavy rock piece ,,A really great escape' and proves to the contemporary heavy and hard rock fans the diversity of interpretations this musical genre has to offer. Many fans hear in that track reminiscences of Jimi Hendrix. On the album Larry Coryells guitar play is mostly rocking and also Günther Lenz on bass proves to be one of the most adept German bassists with his intensive rocking bass play. Knirsch was universally praised and is proof that even rather complex and complicated music can be interpreted without a loss of quality. With Knirsch Wolfgang Dauners Et Cetera opened up to a rock oriented audience once more. This is one of the best German jazz rock albums of all time. Don't miss it. LP comes with 4 sided LP cover sized insert with a lot of information about the musicians and their music and some rare photos. Remastered from the original master tape with superb sound and original cover art sleeve. A must have!

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