This listing is for the complete set of the Doctor Who Cult of Skaro Dalek figure set.

As seen in the series 2 10th Doctor double episode "Army of Ghosts/Doomsday".

This set comprises of Dalek Caan, Dalek Sec, Dalek Jaast, Dalek Thay, and the Genesis Ark.

Each of these Daleks can be identified by their own unique ID tag underneath their eye-stalks. I have highlighted this in pictures 8 & 8 so that you can see that this set is the genuine article and not just some random Daleks thrown together.

All of these Daleks are from the Character Options 5" range. They are in very good condition and sold loose without original packaging.

If you have any questions about this listing please message me through Ebay.

There are always more cool items in my store.