Original Erscheinungsjahr: 1971 Year originally published: 1971
Label: Akarma Label: Akarma
Zustand: Neuware Condition: New
Land: England Country: England
Stil: Progressiv Style: Progressiv
Herstellungsjahr: Date manufactured:
Medium: LP Media: LP
Gewicht.: 395 Weight.: 395

Bemerkungen / Comments:

This hard rock/progressive album is now quite sought-after by collectors. The semi-pro band came from Acton, West London and were discovered by Patrick Campbell-Lyons of Nirvana, playing in a local youth club. He signed them to Vertigo in 1970 and the three members were only eighteen when they recorded the above album. In Europe it was re-titled 'Play It Loud' and issued in a different sleeve. They split in 1973 and reformed in 1990, when they issued an album of post 1973 outtakes entitled Destiny.

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