Huge lot of Tech Deck Dudes.  This includes 26 Dudes and 24 boards plus 4 accessories.  These include:

2001- 3
2002- 1
2003- 3
2004- 10
2005- 4 
?- 5 Couldn't read the date

This includes 24 Boards
18 regular
1 heavy metal
3 lighted boards
1 Surf board
1 Snowboard

These are in great condition.  These are all very clean and come from a smoke free home.

Woody #027

Sergei (Hot Feet 2) #033

McShanks #089

Rap Masta Thumb (hot feet) #023 (have 2 of them)

Ultra Magnus #046

Rasta #044 (have 2 of them)

Brad #053

Bruce #020

Erik #038

Rex #037 (have 2 of them)

Ronin #052

Chuy #073

Stevie J #005 (have 2 of them

Flake #022

Tek #021

Bernie #136

Homer #024

Moto #090

Nick #019

Yoko #070

Lenny #002

Dakota #025W