
MF Doom - Live From Planet X

Vinyl LP


Label:Metal Face
Pressung:US - Original
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For First Time On Vinyl!

Experience the exceedingly rare genius of an MF DOOM live performance with these exclusive “straight from the soundboard” audio recordings. Broadcasting from an undisclosed location, this limited-edition vinyl pressing of “Live From Planet X” offers fans a chance to own the most comprehensive glance into Doom’s lengthy, career available. Debuting under the alias Zev Love X, DOOM first graced the world of hip-hop on the 3rd Bass single “The Gas Face.” A couple years later Zev re-emerged alongside his younger brother DJ Subroc, in New York’s legendary KMD. The group’s first album Mr. Hood was released in 1991 on Elektra Records but KMD was quickly dropped from the record label when, in the wake of Subroc being killed by a car, they returned in ‘93 with an unflinching attitude and an album titled “Bl_ck B_st_rds”. Deeply affected by his brother’s tragic death, while also carrying a grudge against the industry that screwed him, Zev disappeared from the rap scene for five years. It wasn’t until 1999, that Zev suddenly reemerged, face masked, as MF DOOM with his 1999 solo debut and underground classic “Operation: Doomsday”. 

Since then DOOM has completely reinvented the indie-rap landscape with a string of offbeat projects under an array of monikers: Metal Fingers, Viktor Vaughn, King Geedorah, Monsta Island Czars, Madvillain, DangerDOOM, NehruivanDOOM, and more. “Live From Planet X” includes over 50 minutes of live recordings spanning Operation Doomsday, Madvillain, MM...Food?, and more.


A2.Change The Beat
A3.Name Dropping
A4.Dead Bent
A5.Go With The Drawls
A6.Gas Flows
A7.Operation Doomsday
B2.Curls / Great Day
B3.Rhymes Like Dimes
B4.I Hear Voices
B5.My Favorite Ladies
B6.One Beer
B7.Fine Print

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