Jojo Maman Bebe toadstool cord hedgehog woodland dress Breton style with strips top gorgeous 

Got lots of people saying how cute it looked when worn,

Age 2-3 yrs old but good generous sizing
4 buttons fastening at rear 

Lovely cord needle soft cord bottom and cotton top type stripe top Breton style dress

The cord needle cord has hedgehog and toadstool, woodland design in various colours.

Their is a pink waistband which separates the top from bottom it's a little faded, faded even though it was washed in a 30 degree wash however it does not detract from this gorgeous dress. 

A toadstool appliqué patch on top, long sleeve 

Versatile and pretty breton dress with contrasting woodland themed skirt;

Navy / Fushia;

Fabric: Jersey / Corduroy;

100% Cotton;

Great used condition plenty of life in it 

From smoke and pet 

Grab a bargain