Original Erscheinungsjahr: 1970 Year originally published: 1970
Label: Shadoks Label: Shadoks
Zustand: Neuware Condition: New
Land: Südafrika Country: South Africa
Stil: Progressiv Style: Progressiv
Herstellungsjahr: Date manufactured:
Medium: CD Media: CD
Artikelnr.: SH 112 Cat. no.: SH 112

Bemerkungen / Comments:

The band Abstract Truth existed only for a very short time, but it was a time of super-creativity. They exploded on to the Durban music scene early in 1969, released 2 studio albums during 1970 on EMI, which have have here. The 3rd album Cool Sounds For Heads is only a compilation of this 2 LP's. Ken E Henson on guitar & vocals / Peter Measroch on piano, organ, flute, harpsichord & vocals / George Wolfaardt on bass, flute, drums & vocals / Sean Bergin on sax & flute. Silver Trees is a milestone in South African music among bands like Freedoms Children-Astra and Third Eye. Musically it follows the same routes as UK bands like Bloodwin Pig, Traffic, Spooky Tooth and many others. Progressive Underground of the best with organ, guitars, flutes, sax and great vocals, sometimes with Zappa-style guitar solos.

South Africa 1970

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