This listing is for a handmade gemstone necklace, Nuumite aka Numite, Nuummite, with Black Star Diopside. This measures 3/4" by a 3/4" and includes a silver tone 22" chain.

“The Magician’s Stone”

Great stone for grounding energy and centering the ethereal body.

Nuummite is the stone of the Black Ray, which depends our connection to the physical plane, material realm. It is a strong protection and grounding stone that draws from the fiery energies of the earth and combines them with the transformational energies of storm, which possesses it with powerful elemental magic. The vibrations of this stone enhances our intuition, increases luck and magic, assists in developing personal power, along with the psychic ability of clairvoyance. This stone protects the human aura along with the atmosphere in any environment.

Nuummite has the ability to take one on a journey, deep into their inner psyche, to the core of who they are to get a better dose of their true self. It helps release blocks or trapped things that are stuck within the subconscious, which will leave us with a stronger ability of healing, masculine energy and self-mastery. It aligns the subtle bodies, strengthens the aura and places a shield around the person to protect from negative energies, pollutants and manipulations.

Shamans used Nuummite to travel into the lower planes to locate and retrieve lost souls to integrate them back into their true-self for healing.

Black Star Diopside resonates with the base chakra and serves to bring us into harmony with the earth. It facilitates an exchange of energy between the earth and us, allowing us to either ground our excess energy or be replenished. This stone enhances our intuitive connection with the earth and nature. Dowsers and energy workers who work with ley lines will find Black Star to be a useful tool.

It is credited with creating a similar feeling to that of being in a place of natural beauty, and is valued for its soothing effect on both the emotions and physical body, in the face of stress. It is also known as the “crying stone”, because it is said to induce the tears that need to be cried in order to heal.

Black Star is also considered the academics’ stone, as it is said to stimulate the intellect and enhance the study of analytical subjects such as mathematics and science.