This is a 1965, Airline 9023A, as sold through Montgomery Wards.  In case you don't know, this amp is exactly the same as the legendary Supro 1624, from defunct Chicago instrument powerhouse, Valco.  Same circuit.  Same transformers.  Same speaker.  Same tubes.  Just a different box.

No, I'm not going to say it's the same amp used on the first Led Zeppelin album, or the solos for "Stairway" and "Since I've Been Loving You", because I don't think anyone -- including a certain James Patrick Page -- can really say which amp he used. 

But I will say this, it has the sound.  Of all my Supros, there's something pretty magical about the models that use a pair of 6973s, like the two RCAs you see here.  This is a phenomenal amp for both performance and recording.  All the growl and squishy crunch is there.

Unlike many of the Airlines from this era, this amp does NOT have the tone-sucking reverb circuit with the sproinky Gibbs reverb box.  If you're a Guitar-Cord-Amp guy, this thing is tone Nirvana.

The original 1965 Jensen C12R had a pretty noticeable buzz, and as much as I hated to do it, I've replaced it with -- a 1965 Jensen C12R!!

The small narrow white tolex cosmetic panel that once went on the back is long gone (Sorry).

If you've seen any of the online amp shootouts, you've seen how the reissues, however nice they may be, just don't stand up to the real deal.

So, don't buy a close approximation Supro reissue.  Don't even spend $2500 on a real vintage Supro.  Instead, buy this amp, and wield the very same Hammer of the Gods for a much more reasonable price.

Check out this video link!

This is a video of fellow Valco enthusiast, Leon C, put his Airline 9023-A through its paces.  Though he never really runs it wide open, you'll hear the sounds of the channels bridged for great rhythm crunch, as well as the trem circuit.

Here's another link to a guy doing a demo with another 9023-A that he opens up a little more.

My amp for sale on other sites, so do move fast. The first person to bite will take home the prize.

I figure it's going to be about $45 to ship. Buyer pays ACTUAL shipping cost. Any overage will be refunded to the buyer.