" 150 Years - CASE - 1842-1992 " - Embossed Metal Sign ...with Rolled Edges. <><> Made of Tin - Not Aluminum. <><> Size - Measures a *BIG* 12 1/4" Wide X 15 3/8" Tall. <><> The lady that I am listing it for ...says a Limited Supply of these were put out by the Case Co. for their 150 Year Anniversary. <><> Dated - "1992" ... which is printed in Tiny Tiny Letters at the Bottom Right Corner - "Copyright 1992 J.I. Case Company" - check out my #12 Photo to see this. <><> It pictures their Great Looking Eagle...perched on their old - World Logo - from back when they started selling the Case Farm Equiptment....not just in the USA ... but all around the World. <><> Condition - Still Pretty Good ... but Not in Mint ... Nothing Really Is. <><> You can find "Nick or Scuff or Wear". <><> *All Of The Photos Have Glares*. <><> GREAT LOOKING - FARM / FARMER / TRACTOR - IMPLEMENTS - BARN - RANCH - TOOL SHED - GAS / GASOLINE PUMP & OIL CAN FILLING / SERVICE  STATION - REALLY COLORFUL - COUNTRY GROCERY STORE - BAR & GRILL - RESTAURANT - DANCE HALL - HONKY TONK - GARAGE SIGN. <><> High Bidder pays only $7.99 for Shipping (I will pay the rest) to any USA address in the Lower 48 States. <><> International Shipping - Ask for a Quote. <><> ***NO*RESERVE***NO*RESERVE***NO*RESERVE***NO*RESERVE***

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