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Train your cat to use a human toilet in 8 weeks or less

The Litter Kwitter is the award-winning 3-Step Training System designed to train cats to use a human toilet and thereby rid the house of an unhygienic litter tray. Sound weird? Well, not if you're the one dealing with the litter tray twice per day - picking out the poo and rinsing the drenched litter into the basin. In fact, Litter Kwitter users claim their homes have never been so clean! No more mess, no more germs, no more smells, no more hassle!

Litter Kwitter training kit

Professional training product

The Litter Kwitter and the training protocol were developed with animal behaviourists, vets and cat breeders to make sure they work with the cat's natural instincts. A happy cat is a successful cat and a great companion.

So, it is a professional training product developed with the following three key objectives:

  1. The training is kind to cats
  2. The training is based on an understanding of cats' natural habits
  3. The training is easy (for cat owners) to understand and use
Toilet trained cat
Is a toilet trained cat hygienic?

With a regular litterbox your cat soils the litter then steps in it with their paws & tracks through your home on kitchen tops, beds and carpets. Meanwhile, the litterbox is an open sewer on the floor in your utility room. You know how that smells when you walk in! A toilet-trained cat hops on the toilet with clean paws – the same clean paws they use to sit on your lap. Then they go directly into the water in the toilet pan. They do not touch the waste at all. The water in the pan covers the waste and hides the smell. Your cat walks through your home with clean paws.

Features & Benefits:
  • Strong & sturdy to support the weight of any size cat
  • Reusable training discs for cats that don't learn in an orderly fashion (i.e. all of them!). You can redo each stage as many times as it takes & retrain cats that move houses etc.
  • Can be fitted & removed in 5 seconds (if you need to share the toilet)
  • No tools required to fit the Litter Kwitter
  • Fits most standard toilets
  • Training developed with cats in mind – with animal psychology & behavior experts, vets and cat breeders
  • Work for all breeds of cat
  • Works for fat cats and slinky felines

How long will it take to train my cat?

This will depend on a number of factors like your cat’s age, temperament, sense of adventure and intelligence. Most cats figure it out in about 8 weeks or so, as long as you are patient and understanding. If your cat is older (above 5 years) or not litter trained, though, it will probably take a bit longer. They have more bad habits to un-learn. Cats as old as 15-years have been trained to our knowledge. And that's not to mention Lucky the 3-legged cat who overcame some obvious issues to become a Litter Kwitter graduate!

Directions for Use:

The training is organised into 3 stages to correspond with the 3 colour-coded training discs supplied with your Litter Kwitter:

Red Stage - Ready!
red stage

The Red Stage trains your cat to go into the bathroom whenever they need to ‘go’, and to hop up onto the toilet to do it. The special white seat starts on the floor next to the toilet with the red training disc full of litter just like their regular litter tray. This trains your cat to go into the bathroom when they need to go. Later, the whole device is placed on the toilet rim so your cat learns to hop up to go. They remain at the stage until it becomes second nature to them. This takes around 2-3 weeks on average.

Amber Stage - Steady!
amber stage

The Amber Stage uses the amber training disc which has a small hole in the centre surrounded by a reservoir of litter. Your cat treads on the litter while learning to balance over the hole. The location of the hole means your cat will move their front paws onto the seat whilst positioning their rear over the opening. Your cat will experience going into the water for the first time. This stage takes 2-3 weeks on average.

Green Stage - Go!
green stage

The Green Stage uses the disc with the large hole. Your cat learns to go directly into the toilet while balancing all four paws on the seat with their rear over the hole. The quantity of litter you use is reduced until finally there is none at all. Your cat won’t need litter any longer and you can enjoy the benefits of a litter-free home. This stage takes 2-3 weeks on average. Later, remove the Litter Kwitter completely, put the regular seat down and enjoy a cleaner, more hygienic and more fragrant home. Hooray!

Do I need any special equipment?

The Litter Kwitter is a complete kit that contains everything you will need to train your cat to use the toilet:

  • A universal base plate (a special kind of toilet seat that fits all standard toilets)
  • Three training discs (red, amber and green)
  • A comprehensive instruction booklet and DVD

Will it fit my toilet?

The Litter Kwitter is compatible with standard toilet bowls measuring 250mm (9.75 inches) to 380mm (15 inches) wide. The Litter Kwitter will fit any length of toilet seat however elongated seats will have a slight gap at the back that will not affect training. The Litter Kwitter is constructed from the same material as a fire fighter's hard hat so it can support even the heaviest cats. Works for multi-cat households with the Litter Kwitter Multi Kat Kit (sold separately).

Is it easy to do?

The Litter Kwitter includes a 30-minute multilingual* DVD with step-by-step training directions so you can see how to do it at each stage. Also included is a manual for quick reference.

*DVD audio in English and French with subtitles in English, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, French, Japanese, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Hungarian, Thai and Slovenian.