TOP QUALITY TESTED COMPONENTS? Only the best materials are used to bring you this well-built, durable, reliable grinder to use in your home or office or while backpacking or camping.
  •        COARSE OR FINE GROUNDS? Flavor just the way YOU like. Adjustable Burrs Grind the beans to make Cold Coffee Drinks to Espresso. Use with all types of coffee makers, such as the French Press, Drip Pots, Vacuum Pots, and Espresso Makers.
  • ?NEW and IMPROVED? ceramic burrs for an EASY AND CONSISTENT coffee grind, taking your coffee making skills to the next level.
  •        SATISFACTION GUARANTEED? Buy NOW with confidence for the coffee experience you've been waiting for!
  • ?EASY TO USE? Simply turn the durable handle that was specifically designed to fit your hand perfectly as you prepare your perfect cup of coffee with ease.