1x Aufzugswelle für verschiedene Kaliber >>Taschenuhren<<
1x Winding Stem for different calibres >>Pocketwatches<<


Details sehen Sie in der Liste unten. Bestellen Sie die richtige Box#
Details see list below. Plaese choose the right Box# in you order

Price for 1 piece only 5,00 Euro!!!!

Original New Old Stock

Versand nur per Einschreiben versichert!
Ww. Shipping only registered, trackable mail!

Classic Watch Service
Kaliber /calibre
01 Longines 13.56
02 Longines 13.67
03 Longines 14.25
04 Longines 14.26
05 Longines 15.25 + 15.26 + 15.94
06 Longines 17.89
07 Longines 17.90 ABC
08 Longines 17.95M
09 Longines 18.25 ABC + 19.25 ABC
10 Longines 18.49
11 Longines 18.69
12 Longines 18.69Z + 19.95
13 Longines 18.80 + 19.65
14 Longines 18.90
15 Longines 19.25 ABC + 19.79 ABC
16 Longines 19.71
17 Longines 19.80 + 19.80Z
18 Longines 19.95N
19 Longines 21.54
20 Longines 37.9
21 Longines 37.9M + 17.69ZM

sample pic


Foreign bidders are welcome! For payment please use PayPal. Your Payment is expected within 5 Days of the end of the Auction

I will ship worldwide only International Priority Mail with insurance and tracking number! All items are packed securely in bubble wrap Envelopes.

I will combine shipping.
Buy more - pay once for shipping. Shipping fee's based on the largest Item.

Items has been proofed and described to the best of my knowledge and belief. There is no buyers remorse options! Please inquire before bidding if this is unclear. I am always willing, at my discretion, to work with the bidder to make sure their experience is positive. If there is anything that does not answer your expectation, please contact me immediately, before leaving feedback.
There will always be a solution to your Satisfaction. Thank You!

Returns are accepted on items if there is a discrepancy between the item description above and the actual condition of the item. If so, please contact me. Return shipping must be received within 14 days after you have received the item. Return shipping will be paid by the buyer. Refund will be issued immediately after item is received back and prooved to its original condition.

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